The company has passed a 15-year path of formation and development of linen production. The company has established the production of rolled wool cloth, lace production, an embroidery shop, a quilting shop, two sewing shops, a weaving and knitting shop, laser equipment has been purchased.
The company has unlimited technological capabilities, the quality of finishing, design, an increase in the production of large-sized products, a wide range of raw materials used only from natural fibers.
The company offers a wide selection of women's, men's, youth, products: jumpers, jackets, sundresses, tunics, trousers, shorts, coats, jackets, scarves, bags, home shoes and much more, for every taste and age!
- ☎ +8 17 256-03-66; +8 911 503-50-82
- margo-office@mail.ru
- http://margo.cc