Folk Fashion
The trademark Folk Fashion is the Ukrainian virobnik of patriotic clothing. Brand zareestrovanii y 2012 roci y Lviv, and virobnitsvo rozpochalos iz one vishivalnoi mashini, talent that bazhannya pratsyuvati.
The snowmen of the Ukrainian company are Maxim Tuganov and Petro Skirchuk. New Year's eve is a progressive company, whose products are popular and not wide in the whole territory of Ukraine, and I'm behind the cordon.
Wholesale virobnik etno-odyagu Folk Fashion
"Folk Fashion" proponuya yak originalne povsyakdenne vbrannya, so I take, in yakoma You will be "on visoti" to be holy to you. The assortment of the brand is represented by cholic, zhinochimi, childish vishit shirts, T-shirts with scarlets; T-shirts, sweatshirts (sweatshirts with a long sleeve), hoods (sweatshirts with a hood) with a Ukrainian symbol, with cloth and a vishivka. "Folk Fashion" postiyno onovlyu kolekci that rozroblya new, stylish Ukrainian vbrannya.
Designers - spravzhni profesionali, young and promising, leather and their own special bachennyam that ideyami. Zavdyaki histu, bazhannyu pratsyuvati, rove that vdoskonalyuvat firma schodnya growth that reach the delivery of tsiley.
All the products, without interrupting, may be on the side of the same trend. Folk Fashion does not save on materials (fabrics, threads, accessories), there is only one iz head chinnikiv, scho viznachaye dobrotnist virobiv. The company is a distributor of sewing and sewing threads "Amanda". All odyag vigotovlyaetsya z naturalnih bezpechnyh materialiv, yaki not shkodyat navit malechi.
De pridbati odyag vid Folk Fashion
Golovny ofis ta virobnitsvo company Folk Fashion to be known in Lviv. You can buy the goods directly from the Folk Fashion virobnik. The addresses of the site and the contact of the virobnik you can know below.
Folk fashion brand, which is being dismantled, is now Ukrainian - tse fashionable.
- ☎ +38 097 296-73-92; +38 063 311-58-82
- info@folkmoda.net
- https://folkmoda.net